FutureMe Interview - Where your dreams come true
In this course, Martina Hirschmeier, Presenter & Filmmaker who travels all over the world to find the truth will show you how to find your talents, gives you a structure on how to build your human brand/personal brand and will show you tools on how to find & manifest a future that you really want.
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Course includes
Who is this course for:
Everyone who wants to evolve into the whole & complete human they were meant to be when they incarnated to this planet. People with visions, entrepreneurs, creatives, people who want to be creative and are not there yet, humans who are wondering, whether there is more in life than the vision of themselves which they are living right now. The ones who have been searching already and who found an imaginary wall of glass which holds them back. This course is for everyone who struggles ones in a while to find their own talents, who struggles with blockages, who wants to be thriving in life and not loose track anymore for their very own projects.
What people will learn:
People will learn how to find their own talents, how to transport their vision with their fashion & Backdrop, how to develop their own Human Brand/Personal Brand, how to get rid of blockages, how to find their calling in life in such a profound way that they wont loose track anymore. They will get an introduction into Body & Colour Schemes as well as Bodyhacks & they will envision themselves in a FutureMe Interview in their very own future.
Why choose this course?
This course shows the way that Martina Hirschmeier took from being a “good member of society” into becoming her very own version of herself as a presenter & filmmaker. She has walked a path which was not likely and she shows us the way on how to change ones life into a direction which we really want it to go: She gives Tipps & Tricks on how to find our talents, how to choose the right fashion for an interview & a human brand, how to treat your body & how to create a vision that helps to focus on your dreams: like a compass that is showing the way to a future that we are wishing for. Also she is explaining how to get rid of blockages & how to start.
Academic plan
6 video lessons
- Why you? Why me? Martina as a raw model of having gone her very own way in life as a presenter & filmmaker invites you to do the same if you are wishing a fulfilled life where you develop the projects you incarnated for. 2. FUTUREME Interview: The FutureMe Interview is an invention by Martina & we celebrate amazing results - meet our Testimonials. 3. Be your own fortune teller: you can define the room of possibilities around you, you can conciously create your future - you dont need a fortune teller, you can be your own one. 4. You are the 4 elements + aether: we are earth, fire, water & air - Martina shows how we can find these elements in our body and states that we are also Aether - the field of possibilities - a 25 km big torus field around us which we can Programm.
If you would like to book a free & non binding introductory meeting, get on the Newsletter list or on the waiting list for Webinars & Seminars please write an e-mail to: booking@martina.media
- Your talents & the red marker: Its very likely that you dont live your bliss because you still have an inner red marker from the teachers that taught you - get rid of this marker. 2. Practical Tipp Morning pages: write everything which comes into your mind ones you get up - this way you make room for new thoughts. 3. Practical Tipp Date yourself: Take time to share quality time with yourself - you will see, that its not that easy as you think but it has an amazing impact to your connection to yourself. 4. Practical Tipp: Meet your ancestors: Your ancestors found their way to thrive in this world - check out what they did & try to go back as many generations as possible 5. Practical Tipp: Team up for good moment reports- write down moments, where you lost track of time, where you went into a flow state of mind and share with Team partners - most of the talents that you have are so strongly integrated that you are not even aware of having them.
If you would like to book a free & non binding introductory meeting, get on the Newsletter list or on the waiting list for Webinars & Seminars please write an e-mail to: booking@martina.media
- Develop your Corporate Identity - in our world its important to be seen and that people recognize you ones they met you once - a Human Brand has aspects that help your audience to remember you. That way you can build up trust. 2. Colour Pattern - Collect inspirations What colour patterns do you always like? What or whom are you attracted to? Collect it & use the inspiration for your human brand. 3. Your life defines your Human Brand: we are humans, our Brand is defined by our transformational moments, find them! 4. Your life from 0-7 years old - what happened in your life in this age? This is where your root chakra was activated 5. Your age 7-14 this is the time where your second Chakkra activated and it actually holds the place for passions in our life. What did you like to do in that age in your life? Its a good hint to find your talents that you want to use. 6. Each chakra activates within 7 years Check your life for all the other steps: 14-21, 21-28, 28-35, 35-42, 42-49. Incarnation completed with 49: Who would have thought that? We are firstly completely incarnated on this planet with 49, so no stress: you are still young.
If you would like to book a free & non binding introductory meeting, get on the Newsletter list or on the waiting list for Webinars & Seminars please write an e-mail to: booking@martina.media
- Fashion for the FutureMe interview: How do you want to appear if you are talking content about your project which you have achieved? 1. Good fashion elevates you:always wear something that elevates you, put on clothes & accessories that have a meaning to you combined with real value. 2. check your body type-The body type defines what form you can wear, Martina is a X-Shape, what are you? 3. check your body colour patterns: to find the right fashion for you - you want to go with the right colours - so check whether you are spring, autumn, summer or winter 4. Know your problems - be prepared - do you have a constant trouble with some features of your body? Martinas feet are far bigger than others & her legs are longer - so she has to prepare shoes & trousers - what is it for you? 5.Attention to accessories - make sure fashion transports your values & your story: what is the story that you want to tell, what are your values? Always make sure that you transport your story with your fashion. 6. make a vision board: Inspiration matters - let yourself be inspired by others e.g. on Pinterest and get inspired for what others did to transport their mission & vision.
If you would like to book a free & non binding introductory meeting, get on the Newsletter list or on the waiting list for Webinars & Seminars please write an e-mail to: booking@martina.media
Your are what you consume: so make sure everything you let into your body mind and soul system supports your life force- practical tipps: 1. Water: hexagonalic water is ideal & you are 80% water. You can actually program water - this is what we do when we re-listen to the FutureMe Interview 2. Only take in good energy: try to avoid Television, Radio, non supportive surrounders, toxins. 3. Alkaline Washing: one game changer to become a healthier body is to get it more alkaline. An easy way to do so is to take alkaline bathes, just like our ancestors 4. Wash your fruits and vegetables with Sodio Bicarbonate: that way they hold longer, taste better & have less toxins. 5. Get rid of Shit - zeolite: this is not a medical advice, Martina is sharing what she is doing - she uses Zeolith, a derivate of vulcano ash to get rid of toxins in her body. 6. Fluor & the pineal gland: The pineal gland is one of the most important organs in our body - its the third eye & the Egyptians constantly painted it with the Horus eye. Its important to have the pineal gland working and a tool to get it decalcified is to reduce fluor. 7. Natural Cosmetics: when we want to get rid of toxins we want to make sure that we dont put them into our body with cosmetics- natural products should be preferred. 8. Tea Tree Oil: TT Oil is always good - its a powerful remedy agains fungus and head lices. 9. Propolis: Bees feed Propolis to their queen to actually make her a queen - very powerful tool for humans as well. 10. Essential Oils: These oils go directly into our brain &10. Toxins in the energetic room: sage off!
If you would like to book a free & non binding introductory meeting, get on the Newsletter list or on the waiting list for Webinars & Seminars please write an e-mail to: booking@martina.media
1, Lets go into the flow: Let everything be here: we allow all energies that want to show themselves now be there, otherwise we loose to much energy by pushing them away. 2. 90% of bad energies are created by you - be aware that you dont make your life harder than it has to be & take care of the things you tell you every moment of the day. 3. Allow the flow - allow the process: as long as you allow that energies can flow again in every aspect of your life, you are on the way already. 4. Meditation: we meditate together into your FutureMe Interview: you get an idea on how it feels like. 5. Change your inner world to “I am worth”: if you recognized that there are still blockages within you: tell yourself that you are worth finding you way in life & to express yourself. 6. Keep the channel open - Enjoy the Flow: you as a creative being, you have to keep the channel open to let the life force do its work through you. 7. Dedicate a defined time and flow/go: If you have a blockage with starting: give yourself 30 mins, 15 mins, 1 hour and start, no matter what. 8. Support your inner artist: give your inner artist the attention & tools that she needs to be productive, support her. 10. 20 reasons why you cant - turn it around: starting something new can bring blockages up. This is an easy way to deal with them: write 20 points why you cant do what you want & turn it around. - but be attentive - your peer group wont just cheer up for it. 11. Nature is creative - so are you: everywhere when we look into nature we see pure creativity - thats what we are as well - as Babies we were super curious & invite yourself to be curious again.
If you would like to book a free & non binding introductory meeting, get on the Newsletter list or on the waiting list for Webinars & Seminars please write an e-mail to: booking@martina.media
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